1001 Accurate Memories
Plural Studio (2025)
1001 Accurate Memories represents a seven year odyssey birthed from an artist’s blood, guts and tears. A series of insights into class, disability and trauma are presented with drawings, sketches and photographs. These personal insights are then combined with the author’s experiences of living in Berlin and witnessing Germany’s development over the past 14 years. His investigation into traumatic memory leads him to propose that contemporary Germany, tied as it professes to be to a ‘memory culture’ changes to a self-understanding based around ‘traumatic memory culture’. In the sense that traumatic memory is greatly more accurate than memories of non-traumatic, day-to-day lived experience.
1001 Accurate Memories contains a large series of mark making exhibited during the artist’s solo show WORK TAP at Centrespace Gallery, Bristol, UK in 2024.
Bodyground - On Class and Disability
1001 Accurate Memories
List of Works
The Blood of This Rose
The Blood of This Rose
1001 Accurate Memories
Alex Head
Plural Studio - All Right Reserved
Date: April 2025
First Edition
Print Run: 150
Fonts: Deviancy (Philipp Koller), Blur Pro, Suisse
Printer: Laserline Berlin
Pages: 198
Paper: Chromokarton, Design Offset White 1.2
Cover art: black and white analogue photograph,
London, c 1999
Base Pair Colours: Guanine: 0 100 29 0, Cytosine: 0 83 90 0, Adenine: 44 29 0 0, Thymine: 50 16 72 0