
Books! ⁎

Cover Image of book: 1001 Accurate Memories, Alex Head, Plural Studio (2025)

1001 Accurate Memories

Plural Studio (2025)

1001 Accurate Memories represents a seven year odyssey birthed from an artist’s blood, guts and tears. A series of insights into class, disability and trauma are presented with drawings, sketches and photographs. These personal insights are then combined with the author’s experiences of living in Berlin and witnessing Germany’s development over the past 14 years. His investigation into traumatic memory leads him to propose that contemporary Germany, tied as it professes to be to a ‘memory culture’ changes to a self-understanding based around ‘traumatic memory culture’. In the sense that traumatic memory is greatly more accurate than memories of non-traumatic, day-to-day lived experience.

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Books! ⁎

SPONGE ZINE #1 Assessing the Threats - Tech in Activism (2025)

Plural Studio (2025)

Acting responsibly towards online threats is not simply an app I can purchase. Is not a new titanium door that I can order online. The logic of consuming our way out of danger is inherently flawed because it defeats at the outset the development of the new ways of thinking that will create flexible and situation appropriate thinking and action.


Books! ⁎


Cultural Epigenetics and the Philosophy of Change

Ljå Forlag (2021)

As the saying goes, genetics loads the gun and the environment pulls the trigger. Initiated during the return of politicised radical hatred across the globe in 2017, the author set out to understand how Far Right ideas had begun to mutate.

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Books! ⁎

Here Comes Trouble

An Inquiry into Art, Magic & Madness as Deviant Knowledge

ZK/U Press (2016)

Imagine the infinitely tiny size of an atom. Focus on the size of this microscopic particle in relation to your own human body. Now scale up to the size of the planets, galaxies, to the solar system as a whole. The weight of your body exists between these vastly different scales.

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Books! ⁎